Round Dhaulagiri Trekking – Nepal.

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Round Dhaulagiri Trekking – Nepal.

Dhaulagiri trekking is most adventures but popular, nature base trekking tail in Nepal. Dhaulagiri is the 7th highest mountain in the world with 8,167 m height. You will have the most exciting experience from the trekking and be enchanted with the scenes of the area. This Dhaulagiri region is in west north part from Pokhara, West part from Kaligandaki gorges and in Annapurna Region.

Round Dhaulagiri Trekking Nepal.
A circuit of Dhaulagiri is possible for well-equipped and fully self-sufficient parties. The minimum time that should be for this itinerary is eighteen days Pokhara to Pokhara but a few extra days to allow for side trips or bad weather are advisable. The route crosses two high, which are in remote country far from any assistance. Particular care must be taken with regards to proper acclimatization and staff equipment. The trek is start at Beni, the district headquarters of Myagdi district.
Myagdi is one of the most easterly of the districts where the Magar people can be found. The Dhaulagiri trail follows the Myagdi khola, the river that drains the southern side of the Dhaulagiri massif. Passing through the settlements of Darbang and Muri, the country is still quite heavily populated with scattered villages and farming land. Beyond Muri, the Myagdi khola swings north and the landscape becomes much more rugged and sparsely populated. The tree line is reached just below the sit of the, so called, Italian base camp, located at the snout of the Chhonbaraan Glacier, is an ideal place to spend an acclimatization day exploring the hills around about.
The next two days are spent on the glacier, the second night being at Dhaulagiri base camp, a rugged spot with some spectacular views of the western face of Dhaulagiri. From here the trial crosses French pass which at 5360 meters is the highest point of the trek. Descending French pass you enter the lonely but fascinating area known as Hidden valley. This place is one of the few true wilderness areas accessible to trekkers in Nepal. The valley stretches away to the north eventually narrowing to a rugged gorge that connects to Upper Dolpa. There are reports of many endangered species residing in this area including the elusive snow leopard. If all the members and the staff of the group are fit then a rest and exploration day spent in hidden valley is well worth while.

From Hidden valley the trial now crosses Dhampus pass (sometimes known as Thapa pass). While not as high as French pass, it is roughly 100 meters lower, Dhampus pass has a reputation for bad weather which can make the crossing and subsequent descent something of a problem. Trekkers must be aware of the health of their group members and staff, especially on the section between French pass and Dhampus pass. Any person suffering from the symptoms of AMS must never be taken on over French pass but rather, taken back down the Myagdi khola to a lower altitude. Having crossed Dhampus pass the trial descends into the valley of the Kali Gandaki meeting the main trial at either Marpha or Tukuche. On the way down to the valley there are some spectacular views across to the Annapurnas and up into the arid steppes of Mustang.

Itinerary 01:

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu, reception at the airport and transfer to hotel.
Day 02: Full day sight seeing in Kathmandu valley
Day 03: Fly to Pokhara and drive to Beni
Day 04: Beni to Babiyachaur (950m)
Day 05: Babiyachaur to Dharapani (1700m)
Day 06: Dharapani to Muri (1850 m)
Day 07: Muri to Bagar (1850)
Day 08: Boghara to Dobang (2600)
Day 09: Dobang to Choriban (3100m)
Day 10: Choriban to Pakaban (3600)
Day 11: Pakoban to Chanbadarn Glacier & Acclimatization there
Day 12: Chanbadarn Glacier to Dhaulagiri Base Camp (4740m )
Day 13: Rest & Acclimatization in Dhaulagiri Base Camp
Day 14: Dhaulagiri Base Camp to Hidden valley 5050 m
Day 15: Hidden Valley via Thapa Pass 5258m to Yak Kharka (3700m)
Day 16: Yak Kharka to Marpha (2670m)
Day 17: From Marpha drive to Pokhara.
Day 18: Rest day, Some Sightseeing and boating on Fewa lake.
Day 19: Pokhara to Kathmandu.
Day 20: Katmandu day free
Day 21: Transfer to Airport.

Itinerary: 02
Day- 01: Arrive in Kathmandu & transfer to Hotel.
Day- 02: Full day Sightseeing in Kathmandu Valley
Day- 03: Kathmandu to Pokhara.
Day- 04: Drive to Beni to trailhead from Pokhara, 5 hr. by bus, start the trek and over night camp at Babiyachaur.
Day- 05: Babiyachaur to Darbang.
Day- 06: Darbang to Phalai Gaun.
Day- 07: Phalai Gaun to Jugepani.
Day- 08: Jugepani to Baghar.
Day- 09: Baghar to Dobang.
Day- 10: Dobang to Pakhaban.
Day- 11: Pakhaban to Italian Camp.
Day- 12: Italian Camp to Japanese Camp.
Day- 13: Japanese Camp to Dhaulagiri Base Camp.
Day- 14: Dhaulagiri Base Camp to Hidden valley (French Pass 5360m.)
Day- 15: Hidden Valley to Yak Kharka (Thapa Pass 5290m.).
Day- 16: Yak Kharka to Marpha (Teahouse stay).
Day- 17: Drive from Marpha to Pokhara.
Day- 18: Pokhara to Kathmandu.
Day- 19: Rest in Kathmandu
Day- 20: Fly to your country.

Total Cost: ON REQUEST

The Package cost Includes

• Assisted upon arrival at the airport by our office representative.
• All arrival and departure transfers as per the itinerary by Private vehicles.
• Accommodation in Kathmandu & Pokhara on BB basis.
• Accommodation in local Guest House, Homestay & Tent on twin sharing basis for trekking area on Full board
• Necessary Trekking / conservation Entry fee.
• English Speaking Trekking Guide
• Trekking Porters
• All sightseeing tours mentioned above itinerary with our local English speaking guide in Kathmandu & Pokhara including entrance fee.
• All applicable taxes

Cost doesnot include:
• International Airfare and taxes.
• Nepal visa fee.
• Lunch and Dinner city / out of trekking area.
• Sightseeing which is not mentioned in above itinerary.
• Personal expenses.
• Any transportation cost outside of the regular itinerary.
• Any insurance.
• Expenses of personal nature.

Dhaulagiri Circuit Trekking Map - Aroma Nepal Treks

Aroma Nepal Trekking
Aroma Nepal Trekking
Trekking in Nepal with Aroma Nepal Treks & Expedition Pvt. Ltd

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